Granny Hexagons
When it comes to making things out of yarn knitting has always been my go to method of construction. Years ago my mom attempted to teach me to crochet but I just couldn't seem to get my tension right or be able to understand doubles vs. triples. It just didn't jive with my brain or hands. So I just put the hooks in a box and just kept on knitting.

Recently I have been seeing more and more crochet patterns that I really like so I decided it was time to give crocheting another try. My mom has been my crafty teacher for years and years but since she is up in Connecticut and I am in North Carolina I did what most people these days do...I turned to YouTube.
I searched and searched and watched so many videos that were ok and then I found it. Bella Coco was the prefect channel of videos that were easy to see, had enough verbal instruction, and are easy to follow. I decided to give the Granny Hexagon tutorial a try. I grabbed some yarn from my stash and followed along with the video.
Here are things that really helped and have given me new confidence in crochet.
1- The video clearly explains the difference between UK and American crochet terms. And honestly the UK terms make way more sense to me.
2- Because the hexagons are small attainable completed projects I felt successful pretty quickly.
3- It is easy to finish the hexagons so with starting and finishing so often I started feeling really confident in the starting and stopping and all the pattern parts in between.
The one adjustment I made to how the hexagon look in the video is that I did the first, and second rounds as different colors with a matching 3rd round. It made for a fun flower shape that I really enjoy. It does mean starting and stopping yarn more frequently but it was worth it for the end products look.
I started with 4 colors and mixed and matched them in every possible configuration. Then I added in 4 more...then more and more and more...suddenly I was loving crocheting. I started choosing my crochet project over my knitting one. I still don't know if I really understand how to read a written pattern but I have this one down.
I have two more colors that I want to add to the mix and then I think I am ready to start the process of laying out all my little hexagons and planning how they will all fit together. For now I have a basket full of hexagons...and hours of sewing in the tails of the yarn. I started off being so good and finished off each piece threads and all, but then I just got caught up in the excitement of all the colors and couldn't help myself. I just had to start the next color. I could not convince myself to do the boring work when there were colorful skeins of yarn just sitting there waiting to be make into something pretty.
More soon on how this crafting adventure goes!
Recently I have been seeing more and more crochet patterns that I really like so I decided it was time to give crocheting another try. My mom has been my crafty teacher for years and years but since she is up in Connecticut and I am in North Carolina I did what most people these days do...I turned to YouTube.
I searched and searched and watched so many videos that were ok and then I found it. Bella Coco was the prefect channel of videos that were easy to see, had enough verbal instruction, and are easy to follow. I decided to give the Granny Hexagon tutorial a try. I grabbed some yarn from my stash and followed along with the video.
Here are things that really helped and have given me new confidence in crochet.
1- The video clearly explains the difference between UK and American crochet terms. And honestly the UK terms make way more sense to me.
2- Because the hexagons are small attainable completed projects I felt successful pretty quickly.
3- It is easy to finish the hexagons so with starting and finishing so often I started feeling really confident in the starting and stopping and all the pattern parts in between.
The one adjustment I made to how the hexagon look in the video is that I did the first, and second rounds as different colors with a matching 3rd round. It made for a fun flower shape that I really enjoy. It does mean starting and stopping yarn more frequently but it was worth it for the end products look.
I have two more colors that I want to add to the mix and then I think I am ready to start the process of laying out all my little hexagons and planning how they will all fit together. For now I have a basket full of hexagons...and hours of sewing in the tails of the yarn. I started off being so good and finished off each piece threads and all, but then I just got caught up in the excitement of all the colors and couldn't help myself. I just had to start the next color. I could not convince myself to do the boring work when there were colorful skeins of yarn just sitting there waiting to be make into something pretty.
More soon on how this crafting adventure goes!
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